Lyme Park: Pemberly from Pride and Prejudice

7:39:00 AM Out And About Global 3 Comments

Fans of the movie will know exactly what house this is. The whole reason we chose to head into York was so we could visit some of the movie locations where Pride and Prejudice was shot. I am obsessed with the book and movie (the BBC version with Colin Firth, that is). I remember the first time I read the book I was at a critical point in the plot when I had to go to work. It was painful to put the book down and when I finished I wanted nothing more than to discuss it.  No internet forums back then. 

Then I discovered the 6 hour BBC movie and fell in love again! It became my scrapbooking go-to movie, my need alone time movie, my "I am sick and lay on the couch movie." Even now, I will run it in the background if I am doing something else, but want the company of movie. 

Fast forward about 18 years, with a husband and daughter now indoctrinated we finally had a chance to see Pemberley. Lyme Park is the real name of the estate which claims my affections. The house and gardens are delightful though perhaps not as grand as some of the other estates in the county. I was giddy to relive movie moments as we walked the park and my husband was such a good sport to humor us.  Here's to making dreams come true! 


  1. I am a fan of the movie (Keira Knightly starrer, which I preferred) and thank you for sharing this. One more item in my UK bucket list.

  2. Funny, I can't get through the books, but love the movies. Loved the BBC version with Colin Firth. Would love to spend more time in England outside of London.
