Freising, Germany

1:08:00 PM Out And About Global 12 Comments

As luck would have it Eliza had a "team" building activity in this town the day before school began with the other 11th grade students so, I took the opportunity to discover what treasures this 1000+year old city had to offer. As with most medieval German towns, a fountain adorns the center square with ancient administrative buildings surrounding it and not too far away there is ALWAYS a church. 
Freising is one of the oldest settlements in Bavaria (southern Germany) and was an important religious center throughout the middle ages. Only about 35 minutes north of Munich, it makes a perfect day trip.
No doubt, by now you will recognize the green onion shaped domes that top all towers.

And if you haven't noticed yet, yellow is a very popular color. I never tire of photographing yellow against a blue sky.

The higher up the hill I got the older the buildings became.
These cobble stone roads are a nightmare to walk on.
This alter whose original paint work is still visible is from a small church built in the 1300's.  It is always so amazing to me when the delicate nature of paint is preserved. I also enjoy the old inscriptions often in Latin.
Contrast that alter with the magnificent Romanesque Freisinger Dom. The Rococco explosion of color and light is from the 1700's renovation in preparation for the 1000 year anniversary of the building. Imagine that, for 1300 years a church has stood on this spot! Naturally, there have been many renovations due to fires, time and changing needs.

This was my favorite find in the Cathedral--it's a family tree using the family crests.

Otto was Bishop of Freising from 1138.  He took part in the Crusades and as a monk of the Cistertian order he believed in manual labor and self reliance.