Cruising Parts 4-5: St. Petersburg

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We had two days in St. Petersburg. Tourist visas are hard to come by unless you are with a cruise and while in the city you are required to be with a licensed tour company. Getting off the boat was a bit cumbersome and passport control took us 45 minutes, but we know people who spent 2 hours in line. The port is about 30 minutes from the city sites. 

St. Petersburg does not disappoint! It has all the bells and whistles one would expect of the jewel of Russian empire--grand museums, colorful churches, splendid art work, palatial architecture and an interesting and varied history. The problem with the city is that you have to be accompanied the entire time and you are basically shuttled from one busy tourist attraction to the next. It was a little buggy--I would have liked to have been able to explore a bit on my own, but instead we were constantly fighting crowds. 

The Hermitage is possibly the worlds best art museum and we were aloted 2.5 hours to see the same highlights that 5000 other people were seeing at the same time. I was super irritated that our guide didn't organize our time better. The other thing I didn't like was the food--sorry Russia, but I am not a fan. All that said though, the city is a must see. Two days are certainly not enough. 

Below are the photo highlights from...
The Church of Spilt Blood
Grand Palace
City Tour
Catherine's Palace
St. Issacs Church


  1. Is Eden in that faze of life where she hates to have her picture taken? My older boys hate having their pictures taken. Poor girl! I need to go back to St. Petersburg. I went in 1989 with my mom and have very few pictures of the trip.

    1. Totally. She goes out of her way to frown, tho, she calls it her resting face.

  2. I have the same feeling about St. Petersburg. It is really crowded and touristic. I enjoyed Moscow much more and thought it was much more realistic, but as you said, visas are not easy to find. We went there on a conference and could explore both cities on our own. We also only had 2 days in St. Petersburg, and you did see more highlights than us. The food in the right place can be really good, believe me ;)

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