Munich Monday--Krampus Run

9:30:00 AM Out And About Global 15 Comments

One thing I have loved about living in Germany is participating in unique traditions.  The Krampus tradition first came on my radar a few years ago when I read about theses "alternative" creatures of Christmas in National Geographic magazine.  When I stumbled upon an advertisement for a Krampus parade right in Munich I was ecstatic.  My children were a little bit leary and my husband (a parade hater) refused to go (party pooper), but I made the girls go with me and we LOVED IT!  

Let me back up and give a bit of history...the Krampus are sort of the antitheses of of St. Nicolaus.  They come to terrorize naughty children and deliver whippings.  They carry large bells which make loads of noise and wear frightful masks, but these scary creatures are really just out for a naughty good time.  This 500 year old tradition is largely found in Southern Bavaria and the Sud Tirol and their costumes are somewhat dictated by their region of origin.
Eden was a favorite with the Kramps--perhaps it is her angelic face, but several came her way to tousle her hair or pull her hat off.  The parade lasted only about 30 minutes beginning in Karlsplatz, ending in Marianplatz.  If you are going to be in Munich next December I would mark your calendar because this is a parade you should not miss.  Enjoy the photos!

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  1. What a fun tradition! The masks are AMAZING!

  2. What amazing detail in those costumes.

  3. These are FANTASTIC captures!! I've just been learning about Krampus the last few years too...if you are at all famiiar with "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak, THAT is what they remind me of :)

  4. Interesting post and beautiful photos ! I have never heard of Krampus, but I am also coming from another region in Germany.

  5. One of these years, I'll have to make it to Germany for Xmas, what a fantastic event, those costumes are so amazing and perfect for taking pictures!

  6. wow! it's a little Labyrinth up in there. looks like an amazing experience!

  7. Wow! What scary costumes! I didnt know they did that in Germany for Christmas.

  8. They certainly are fearful creatures! It looks like a fun parade.

    Blogger won't let me use my wordpress ID with a popup window. Sorry.

    Teresa @ Eden Hills

  9. Amazing images! In Austria we have also the Krampus! :)

  10. What a gang! Thank you for shearing this special radition!

  11. Wow these masks are incredible! Thanks for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro:-)

  12. How much fun!!! the pics are amazing, and scary!!!

  13. I seriously LOVE these fotos!
    well captured! ^0^
    We stumbled these creatures when we were in Munich.
    and at first, was also clueless as what they were.
    I couldn't get a good close up as it was during the night.
    your fotos were just stunning.
