Schloss Linderhof
Schloss Linderhof is the only palace built by Ludwig II to actually be completed. According to our guide this was his favorite home. The palace is small, but opulent. As you can imagine, Ludwig surrounded himself with all the trappings one would expect for a king; a grand bed, fine linens, portraits of his favorite French King, Louis the XIV, gold leafed sculpture and the worlds finest porcelain. Unfortunately, all this luxury came with an incredible price tag, one his advisors weren't keen to keep paying. He was eventually declared insane and found drowned in the Starnberg See.
Address: Linderhof 12 Ettal, Germany
Hours: March-Oct: 9am-6pm
Cost: €8.50 adults
Time: Guided tour is 25 minutes, allow another hour to tour grotto and grounds.
The gardens this time of year are fantastic, but I have to admit winter time has a charm of it's own. Last year my husband and I came out here to do some cross country skiing--it was so peaceful, and beautiful, I was almost spell bound. No matter when you come, take time to explore, don't just rush back to Munich once you've seen the castle.
This is the Venus Grotto, it is a replica of a scene from one of Wagner's operas. Ludwig was a big fan, can't you tell? The grotto was lit by electric lights, featured running waterfalls, and a heated swimming pool for the king. As creepy and quirky as it is, the acoustics are good for music.