
8:06:00 PM Out And About Global 0 Comments

Burghausen Castle, sitting atop a ridge above the Salzach River, is one of Europe's longest castles.  The area was once made wealthy by the salt trade.  It was home to the Bavarian Wittelsbach's duchesses and their children and a mighty fortress where the Dukes kept their gold and silver.
This unique wood sculpture is made from drift wood pulled from the Salzach River flowing nearby. 
The Details
AddressBurg Nr. 48 84489 Burghausen 
Location: about 1.5 hour east of Munich
Hours: open daily April-September 9am-6pm/October-March 10am-4pm 
Cost: 4.50e adults, children free or free with Bayern Castle Card
Time: 1 hour
Tip:  Go in warmer weather!
It was particularly cold this weekend and I swear my toes were almost frost bitten by the time we returned to the car.  The small castle museum was open, but it was not heated, so going indoor was not helpful.  We enjoyed our day trip, but I would recommend going in spring or summer when the trees are blooming, the bier garten open and the weather invites you to wander and linger.    
The city below is colorful like so many small German towns.  It has wide sidewalks which I imagine are full of cafe tables during warmer months.

There are several court yards and each has its own draw bridge and moat.

This is the innermost courtyard where the Burg museum is.
This is where the Dukes would worship

You can reach the village below by walking down a ramp along side the ridge.  We sought refuge from the cold inside this church and were treated to an organ practice.  I love listening to organ music, it fills the air with majestic, impressive sound.  Eden said when the low notes were played it sounded like a storm.  What a good description.