All Roads Lead to Rome
Who goes to look at a road? I mean really, have you ever said to yourself, I'd really like to go see Bingham Street? Okay, maybe the Las Vegas Strip, but that's the exception. The Appian Way is a destination, it is a road worth seeing. Anciently, the Appian Way was the road in and out of Rome, stretching 430 miles to the sea where ships connected Rome with Greece and Egypt.
Getting out to the Appian Way is not simple, it requires a train/bus ride combo and then lots of walking, but it is absolutely worth the effort. In fact, we visited the Appian Way on our last day in Rome and our friend said it was his favorite thing we saw, above the Coliseum and Vatican City.
Take bus 118 from the Piramide metro stop.
Once you get out to the road there is actually quite a bit to see. Romans buried their dead outside the city walls, so the Appian Way is littered with the tombs of wealthy Romans. There are unexcavated ruins to see and catacombs of early Christians to visit. We did pass a bike rental stand, but figuring the road would make for a rather bumpy ride, we walked. The road is still paved with the original Roman stones; you can even see ruts worn into the stones from years of chariot travel.
Worthy of half a day, a trip out to the Appian Way is a peaceful respite from the city. Bring water and snacks and wear good walking shoes. I did not and my feet took a beating.