Marathon #10

2:30:00 AM Out And About Global 0 Comments

 I don't know how Bob does it, but he is committed to running at least one marathon a year and Budapest was his 10th.  It was a miserably hot day for running, average temp on the course was 80*, but he did well despite the heat and finished in 3:44.  
 We caught up with him at km 13, but he was so zoned out he didn't even see us.
I wanted to have him write up something for this post, but he wasn't "in the mood" so I am acting as his scribe.
Q: Would you run this race again?
A: Not in 80* weather.
Q: What did you think about the course?
A:  Pretty drab--you run along the River Danube, there was no shade, and it was really humid.
Q: Give me some positive feedback
A: The bridges are pretty, the architecture is nice, the city is historic.  The refreshments were good, well stocked and varied.
Q: Was there good crowd participation?
No. There were crowds at the beginning and the end, but zero crowd participation during the length of the river which made up the bulk of the milage.

This time at km 33 he saw us.  He was surprised, but totally happy to see us.  I'd like to think we gave him a little jolt of energy.
 Poor sweaty man!
 Km 41, almost to the end and his legs are cramping.
Happy to be finished and ready to head for the spa.  Way to go, Bob!