Bangkok Flower Market

10:25:00 AM Out And About Global 11 Comments

The flower market in Thailand was really interesting to visit.  So many varieties and the colors are are so vibrant and beautiful.  The picture in the left hand corner is a real flower--the lotus petals are actually folded back to create that cool pattern. I would have sworn the flower was fake if I had not watched a woman open up the petals and fold them back.  The flower bracelet is also very common.  The Thai shower their Buddhist shrines with these beautiful creations and at the flower market you can watch them being made.



  1. I'd definitely say you're not out and about in Europe today! Thai flowers are so beautiful aren't they?

  2. It was just a pure delight to visit your Sunday photo collection Brooke,
    I've seen similar flowers before... my friend lives in Thailand ;D
    Have a great Sunday

  3. Those flowers are so exquisite! The first photo the flowers really look as if they could be fake.
    The Thai are so talented when it comes to flower and fruit arrangements.

  4. wow such a variety there, just beautiful x

  5. These are amazing, the colours are amazing

    Thank you for linking up

  6. I always love their garlands! Love the vibrant color! #MySundayPhoto

  7. Greetings from Bangkok! We went to the Flower market yesterday and I demand a refund, my photos are not nearly as beautiful as yours!! Wonderful shots, I couldn't be more excited to be here, both in Bangkok and at your post! Thank you Brooke
    Wren x
