London Street Art Part 2

3:08:00 PM Out And About Global 9 Comments

This is a continuation of my post yesterday--According to our guide, London artists prefer painting in monochromatic color pallets like black and white.

The top photograph is by an artist who gives no explanation for his work, he just paints and lets the viewer decide what to make of it.  The size of this head is about 7-8 feet long by 6 feet tall and has a body full of disarticulated parts (not shown here); it was one of my favorite pieces I photographed.  

The painting of the woman in the window is actually an etching.  Rondo painted the window white then scratched out her image--striking isn't it?  

The sea creature scene is by a French woman who painted a weather resistant canvas in studio then applied it to the building, like wall paper. Because this type of application takes such a long time, it requires the artist to have permission from the landowner.   As far as I remember, all these pieces had previous permission.  If you don't have permission, no matter how awesome your art may be, IT IS ILLEGAL.  

My Memory Art


  1. These are some intriguing street art!

  2. Great captures for WATW.... 😊

  3. Very creative artwork and photography ~

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  4. Walking the streets of big cities and discovering so many interesting things - streetart being one of my favorite discoveries. Great set of pictures!

  5. WOW! That is so intricate! Fascinating! Thanks for linking up!

  6. A.MAZ.ING! and might I add WOW!

  7. Excellent artwork! Thanks for sharing it.
