Munich Monday--Justizpalast

9:56:00 AM Out And About Global 3 Comments

The Palace of Justice (Justizpalast), built in 1890, is a beautiful, wide open, neo-baroque building. It's also the court house where the university students responsible for the White Rose (Nazi-opposers) were tried and sentenced to death. You can visit the room where the trial took place--pictures and pamphlets (in German) describe the events.  Room 253 on the second floor. Don't be surprised that there is no signage.  As a matter of fact, when I asked a security guard where I would find the room he had no idea what I was talking about. 

The Details
Address: Prielmeyerstr. 7
Transportation: u-bahn/s-bahn Karlsplatz
Cost: free
Tip:  Be prepared to go through airport style security in order to get into the building.
Photographs of the 6 influential leaders in the White Rose--all condemned to die for their courageous convictions against Hitler and Nazi Germany.


  1. This is probably a piece of history that they wised to hide, but what a beautiful building! Thanks for sharing this.

  2. Love the images! They look awesome!

  3. i didn't know you can visit and take pictures inside,
    oh, it's a pity i wasn't able to see its interior,
    tnx for the info, ^-^
