Neuschwanstein--The Back Side

10:00:00 AM Out And About Global 1 Comments

With summer rolling to a close and autumn on its way we have to take every opportunity to get out and enjoy the mountains. Everyone has seen Neuschwanstein, but not everyone has seen the path coming from behind the castle which follows a river. If you come to Neuschwanstein it is worth finding this trail, it's a much more pleasant assent to the castle and less crowded. 
This barn at the base of the trail had the words, "Jesus Lives" written on the door.
The Details
The Castle: For details about parking, ticket reservation and touring the castle click here.
The Hike: The level of difficulty here is easy--My 8 year old daughter made the hike with no problem and we passed several other families along the trail. 
Parking: We parked in a field on Gipsmühlweg.  Once parked, follow Gipsmühlweg towards the castle.  Veer to the right as you pass what appears to be an abandoned work site.  At the next fork you will turn left onto Pöllatsweg or Pöllats Gorge.  You can't get lost from here--it's a one way trail.  
Time: To reach the castle allow 45 minutes.  This gives plenty of time for stopping along the way, otherwise without kids you could probably do it in 25 minutes. From Marianbrücke we hiked another 40 minutes so that I could photograph the front of the castle.  
 This is an old loggers flume.

This metal ramp is bolted into the side of the mountain and allows you to get up and over the waterfall steps.

 This was a complete surprise. My photo doesn't do the small field of balancing rocks any justice.
 This one was about 3 feet high.

This is the view most people get of the castle.  The bridge you have to step out onto get this shot becomes congested with tourists and it's really irritating to have to wait in line when what you want to do is cross so you can continue hiking (as we did on this particular day).

When you cross the bridge and continue hiking up and around you are treated with a view of the front side of the castle.  Five feet in front of me was a ledge that we refer to as "dead, baby dead" meaning if you fall there is NO HOPE of survival.  No gradual slope, basically sheer rock with a river down below.  Great view though, huh!
Since my children were not interested in a 3 hour hike we turned around and headed back the way we came, but we didn't have to.  This trail leads you through the woods to the Tegelberg Bahn where you can take the bahn back to the bottom if you don't feel like hiking down. It's a 3 hour hike from the Marianbrücke, so plan accordingly.

At the base of the Tegelberg Bahn (only a few miles from Neuschwanstein) there is a family sports center with several activities for kids. From hang gliding to swings, the park has something for everyone of all ages.  We loved the sommerrodelbahn.
Address: Tegelbergstr. 33 87646 Schwangau
Only an hour and a half from Munich Schwangau offers so much! Hiking, two castles, gorgeous blue lakes, and miles of bike trails make this area of Bavaria a golden nugget!

1 comment:

  1. This looks great. Thank you for uploading with directions. We are going to do this walk next week and I'm hoping we have as good weather as you did.
