Old Town, San Diego

10:14:00 PM Out And About Global 0 Comments

We've been to San Diego dozens of times over the last 20 years and this was the first time Bob has ever taken me to Old Town, it was fun to be a tourist for an afternoon.  San Diego was settled in old town, so there is lots to see from an old tavern, post office and the first jail to a corral and even an old candy shop!  Then there are some victorian homes that have been renovated which are just gorgeous.  Eliza took the following pictures. 
I absolutely LOVE the vegetation in San Diego!
We had my darling baby niece with us for the day; doesn't she look good in my arms?  Anyone want to give me a baby!

Panning for gold at the Mormon Battalion.
I can always count on Eden when I need a frowning face!