Schloss Lichtenstein

8:54:00 AM Out And About Global 0 Comments

Schloss Licthenstein is about 2 hours west of Munich making it a perfect day trip.  The guided tour is only about 30 minutes, but we spent another hour and a half wandering around the grounds.  Just below the castle complex there is a biergarten with a  play ground where we stopped for a sweet.
The Details
Address: 72805 Lichtenstein, Germany
Hours: April-Oct 9am-5:30pm M-Sun (see website for other hours)
Cost: €6 adults, €3 children Basic Tour (see website for other tours)
Time:  1 hour
Note:  The castle tour was in German; we were given an English description sheet, but the tour guide spoke perfect English and did her best to engage us in the tour. 
The Lichtenstein castle built in 1390 was considered one the best fortified fortresses of the middle ages however by 1567 it began to deteriorate and by the 1800's it was completely dismantled and the hunting lodge we see now was constructed.  The entire complex has been renovated, but really, the motivating factor here is to see the precipice the schloss sits on.

Look at this mammoth key. This is the lock used to open the gate to the castle.

Dog house.

There are trails all around the complex, so you could easily do a day hike from there.
We stopped at the biergarten for this tasty Rubarb cake while Eden enjoyed the zip line. All in all, a nice Saturday afternoon.