Depeche Mode
I was a senior in high school the first time I saw Depeche Mode in concert. It was so exciting to me, it was my first out of town concert at the Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, CA. I paid something like $50 for the ticket, but it might as well have been 1,000 because that is how it felt. I remember driving down to LA the day of the concert then driving home through the night because I had to be to work the next day. My girlfriend miraculously got us down there and back in one piece on very little sleep.
Fast forward 23 YEARS... When I learned Depeche Mode would be playing about 2 miles from my house, out of nostalgia I felt I had to go and lucky for me someone was looking to get rid of their tickets.
It has been an absolutely dreary spring, it has rained almost everyday for 2 weeks and the night of the concert was no exception. Notice we are wearing coats--it's June 1st and I've got layers on. We tried to look as cute as possible in our winter/rain gear, but honestly it didn't matter. German's are the most practical and weather prepared people on the planet. They are not out to make a fashion statement as evidenced by the number of neon yellow and orange rain vests I saw. Women were even wearing rain pants and galoshes.
So, how was the concert? I was a bit disappointed. They played a lot of music I was unfamiliar with, which I suppose isn't too crazy since it has been 23 years since I bought an album of theirs. But I was hoping for more of the oldies and I think the crowd was too because when Depeshe Mode would play something from the 80's the crowd when nuts, but then there would be these lulls where the audience just wasn't that into it. It certainly didn't help when they played slow songs--I've never been to a concert (not that I go to many) where they played SLOW songs, it was odd. They did play 2 of my favorite songs, so at least I got that much.
It's always fun to get out and Becki and I had a nice time, so while I didn't love the concert it was still worthwhile and now I know...I never have to see DM in concert again.